Private Lessons

Program Details

Private lessons are the ultimate, personalized experience for all ages and abilities. Ski the terrain of your choice, focusing on technique you wish to improve!

Whether you are a beginner keen to try a new sport, a seasoned skier/boarder looking to fine tune your skills or someone wanting to ride with the best in the business, we have the perfect instructor/coach for you. In a private lesson, you will enjoy the exclusive attention of your instructor who will develop your strengths and focus on improving your skills.

NBS offers a certified instructor for 1 to 7 hours to help you reach your personal snowsports goals.

We recommend you book in advance for private lessons, especially if you want to request a specific instructor.


What to Expect

  • Learn, explore and have fun your way.
  • Enjoy tailored lessons that best suit your individual skill levels and styles.
  • Explore the mountain with your personal instructor.
  • Receive individualized and constructive feedback about your riding.

Please Note

  • Lessons do not include a lift pass.
  • Lesson price indicates the cost of up to 5 students.
  • Lesson cannot be mixed between skiers and snowboarders.
  • We recommend that students participating in a private lesson together be similar age and ability.
  • Participants must have a suitable snow/skiing travel insurance.

Convenient Location

Qualified, English Speaking Instructors

You Can Request Your Instructor

Flexible Lesson Times and Durations

Schedule & Pricing

20% Off Promo! (from March 1, 2025)

1 Hour Private

Start Time

  • 8:30 & 16:00


  • ¥25,000

2 Hour Private

Start Time

  • 8:30, 10:30, 13:30, 16:00


  • ¥35,000

3 Hour Private

Start Time

  • 9:30 (n/a peak periods), 13:30


  • ¥50,000

4 Hour Private

Start Time

  • 8:30, 10:30, 13:30


  • ¥63,000

6 Hour Private

Start Time

  • 8:30, 10:30 (6 hrs tuition + 1hr break)


  • ¥90,000

All Day FLEXI Private

Start Time

  • Start anytime between 8:30 – 10:30 (7hrs tuition + 1hr break)


  • ¥98,000
SUPER SAVER Private Package (5 x 2 hour private)

Start Time

  • 8:30, 13:30, 16:00


  • ¥140,000

*consecutive days only

SUPER SAVER Private Package (5 x 3 hour private)

Start Time

  • 9:30 (n/a peak periods), 13:30, 16:00


  • ¥200,000

*consecutive days only

Toddler Tester (1hr lesson and rentals for 3-4 year olds)

Start Time

  • 8:30 & 16:00


  • ¥20,000
Show Ability Chart
1 I have never skied before In this level, you will learn how to use your equipment, familiarise yourself with sliding down the hill for the first time, and how to stop using a snowplough. You will also learn to make a slight direction change while skiing on GREEN terrain.
2 Have had ski lessons before and can stop. Able to make awedge and change direction. Level 2 focuses on improving your snowplough turns so that you can control your speed on GREEN slopes, avoid obstacles and go where you want to go!
3 Can ski confidently in a wedge and make linked turns.Starting to experiment with parallel skiing on green runs. In level 3, your instructor will help you to turn with your skis in more of a parallel position. This will reduce strain on your legs and allow you to ski faster with more control on GREEN terrain.
4 Completely parallel with no wedge on all green runs,almost parallel with some wedge during turns on red runs. A level 4 lesson will refine your turns so that your skis remain parallel at all times. This instills confidence to take your skiing to steeper GREEN terrain and easy RED slopes.
5 Completely parallel on all red runs, almost parallel on blackruns. Starting to ski off piste, small moguls andexperimenting in beginner terrain park. In this level, your instructor will focus on skills such as edging so that you have more grip while skiing. This will strengthen your ability to control speed and assist you when skiing RED slopes. You may also be introduced to groomed BLACK slopes.
6 Confidently skiing parallel on groomed black runs. Able todo short parallel turns and experiment in the bumps, treesand powder. Able to ski through terrain parks. Level 6 focus on tactics and variations in your turn size so that you can control your speed and feel at ease on steeper RED runs, BLACK runs and off piste terrain. This level will also improve your TERRAIN PARK skills if this is your goal.
1 I have never snowboarded before. In level 1, you will learn how to use your equipment, how to get around on the flat and also how to sideslip and "falling leaf" so that you can start to negotiate GREEN terrain.
2 Side slipping on both edges, Working toward c-turns (turning from one edge to the other). It's time to turn! In this lesson you will learn the basics of both heel and toe side single turns making it easier to avoid obstacles and ride where you want to ride on GREEN terrain.
3 I am learning to link turns down most green slopes. Level 3 will guide you through linking your single turns so that you can make fluid turns down GREEN slopes. Exploring turn size and shape.
4 Comfortably linking turns on all green slopes, ready for the red slopes. In this level you will learn to refine your turns so that you can start to attack steeper GREEN and easy Red runs. You will also start to ride easy terrain "switch" (backwards) and learn entry level freestyle manoeuvres.
5 Able to ride red slopes, Have basic switch riding skills and experimenting in the beginner terrain park. Focus on varied terrain (exploring to freeride) and building skills to ride the whole mountain (exploring to carve). You will also expand your TERRAIN PARK skills (exploring freestyle) and start riding switch with confidence!
6 Carving on groomed runs. Riding powder, trees and off piste with ease. Able to ride terrain park safely and perform grabs, board slides and 180 spins. Riding switch on red slopes. Here we show how to be a pro active rider instead of riding passively. Downunweighted turns, race training and using the terrain to your advantage.